Hi @all,
i want to use my Sonos controller (noson) from green and all my sonos speaker are in blue.
So i used this source:
- IGMPproxy configuration - #12 by cfusco
- Operating Sonos Speakers in a Multi-VLAN Network :: packetmischief.ca
- Konfiguriere deine Firewall für die Verwendung mit Sonos | Sonos
This is my igmpproxy config:
phyint blue0 downstream ratelimit 0 threshold 1
phyint green0 upstream ratelimit 0 threshold 1
I see a lot if traffic in debug log of igmpproxy but only from blue devices.
So i think that the proxy will work.
I created this FW rules:
green → port 1900 and 1901
blue → port 1900 and 1901
blue → IGMP (
IGMP → blue
green → IGMP
IGMP → green
green → group sonos speaker port 1400, 1443 and 4444 all TCP
group sonos speaker → green port 3500, 3400:3401 all TCP
The Controller isn’t discover my Sonos speaker.
But i can see that the Controller is trying.
Did anyone get that working?
Thanks Frank