How to install on ESXi?

I am looking for a new firewall and read a good article on ipfire.

Just to have a look etc I want to install on ESXi - I understand the reasons not to, but this is just to see how easy it is to use etc.

I am having no luck using the ipfire ISO, can anyone please help with the settings to use in ESXi 7?

Any assistance appreciated.

Which settings are you using?

I have tried a couple of changes. Right now it’s at:

Ram - 4GB, HDD 32GB thin, 2 x LAN., SCSI VMware Paravirtual
OS Linux, Version - Other 4.x or later (64-bit)
Boot from the ISO - ipfire-2.29-core 183-x86_64.iso

EFI Virtual disk (0.0)… No Media’
EFI VMware Virtual SATA CDROM Drive (0.0)… Not Found
EFI Network… No Media
something else, then it jumps to Boot Manager.

UEFI is disabled?

It wasn’t, that is just the clue I needed - thank you very much.

That may be the end of my journey however.

It appears that ipfire isn’t designed to handle multiple subnets on a single NIC.

I currently have 3 subnets coming in from the WAN connection.

Is this at all do-able with ipfire?

IDK if currently IpFire supports multiple WAN/RED. I had to change distro when I needed that few years ago (core 140-ish)

What did you change to?

@modal, just a question. How are your ‘subnets’ connected to the NIC?

The LAN NIC has a main IP then there is a virtual IP for each subnet gateway, so 4 IPs on the NIC. Over this year I plan to cut it back to 2 or possibly only one subnet, but I need to implement a new firewall first.

so you have… 3 connections with different subnets… on the same network card?
I got to 1 connection with multiple addresses but in the same subnet… That was my “top complication”.

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