I configured an ipfire server with red, green and blue networks. Proxy transparent is up for green and blue with url filter and it’s work.
But many users doesn’t use the proxy with theirs browser like firefox or chrome and the url filter isn’t apply. Theres users must be block !
Should I configure the proxy in non-transparent mode or/and block all outgoing internet connections with the firewall?
Will this solution force users to select the proxy?
I blocked all traffic on ports 80 and 443 on green and blue. I configured all computer to use proxy and it’s work ! url filter is up and fonctionnal.
But…email clients like thunderbird (with proxy configuration like firefox) doesn’t work…smtp port 465 (tcp) is closed and users can’t send email for exemple.
I tried many rules on firewall after add ports 465 - 587 in proxy configuration but it’s KO
Someone could say precisely whats rules I must add in my firewall configuration please to open this ports ? It will be my last subject !
I configured with all outgoing network blocks and force users to check proxy with url filters on theirs computers. It"s works but I don’t know precisely whats I must do to open smtp / imap ports
I create some rules and add 465 - 587 - 993 ports enable in the proxy but it doesn’t work…I tried to send email and it’s failed.
Whats is the best pratice ? web sites acces are OK but emails doesn’t…
Today web site access is OK. I don’t want reconfigured internet access and proxy anymore. I just want the email access
I tried to block all out just 80 and 443 but it was failed with many proxy issues.
I tried different configurations for the email but it failed. In addition I am not on site to test the sending of email. Today, I can simply connect with openvpn on the interface of the ipfire and in ssh in order to see with a netstat if the ports are open or not.
I simply ask for a little help on precisely what I can do with the firewall rules in order to open the connection with ports 993, 465 and 587.
OK but you are making your life difficult for yourself and your users.
Create a port group (Firewall > Firewall Groups > Service Groups) with the ports you want to allow then add a rule above your block rule to allow the Service Group. Or add the rules individually.
BTW, 993 (IMAPS) is just for picking up mail and not for sending, so I assume you are using an external email provider?