HDD static mount

how can i mount a sata hard drive so that it is available again after a reboot?
in extra HD it is shown as not mounted.
Thank you

It should work with ExtraHD. Once the drive has been mounted in ExtraHD then it should automatically get mounted again on a reboot.

That is what happens for me.

However there have been a few people that have reported not being able to even get the drive mounted via ExtraHD in the first place.
Unfortunately, despite detailed descriptions of how people format and apply a filesystem and myself following what they have described, I have never been able to reproduce the issue they experience. My drives have always ended up mounted and stay mounted after a reboot.

Are you able to mount the drive initially with ExtraHD but then after reboot it ends up being shown as not mounted or are you unable to get the sata drive mounted at all via ExtraHD?

I was able to mount it the first time but after a restart it is shown in Extra HD but it is red and unmounted.

Then you get further than the person in the bug report. He starts straight away with the red indicator and it never mounts.

The bug report is

It might be worthwhile to have your input into the bug report as well.