Getting double reboot w/ ConnSched reboot

I have a once per week reboot scheduled. It has been working as expected for a long time. Recently it has started rebooting twice. The second reboot starts about 3 minutes after the first one. Note: this is intermittent behavior, sometimes it does the normal single reboot, other times it does the double reboot.

Here’s the Scheduled actions …

Any pattern on when the double reboot occurs? Such as the last Sunday of each month, or the 2nd and 4th Sunday, etc?

I’ve tried to reproduce the issue.
My ipfire logs are sorted with increasing time.
Yours are
02:50:22 --> 02:47:55 --> 02:47:35 --> 02:45:00
the backstep in time is associated with the NTP synchronisation.
Your event is 02:45, minutes are converted to the next value dividable by 5.
This means, connscheduler uses
02:50:22 --> 02:45:55 --> 02:47:35 --> 02:45:00
which causes 2 reboots at 02:45.

There must be some problem with your time / NTP synchronisation.
( Hint: ipfire logs, section NTP )

I have Log Settings using “Sort in reverse chronological order”.
I’ll ssh in and check the actual log file content shortly.

Edit: I do not believe there is a back-step in time. The WUI is simply showing in reverse chronological order.

Makes sense.

This arises another possible bug. The actions occur in a time frame of < 2.5 minutes. This is the rounding amount for the minute value.
But that would mean the fcrontab entry */5 * * ... connscheduler is executed at time 2.5+‘minute of boot time’.

If you can assure that, it is a case for bugzilla.

As I pointed out in original post, this is intermittent, often does the single reboot …

June  2 Double
June  9 Okay
June 16 Okay
June 23 Okay
June 30 Okay
July  7 Okay
July 14 Okay
July 21 Okay
July 28 Double
Aug   4 Okay
Aug  11 Double
Aug  18 Double

Per @bbitsch comment, this is happening near the 2.5 minutes after the first reboot is initiated …

Aug 25 02:45:13 ipfire apcupsd[6701]: apcupsd exiting, signal 15
Aug 25 02:45:14 ipfire ntpd[6558]: ntpd exiting on signal 15 (Terminated)
Aug 25 02:45:39 ipfire exiting on signal 15
Aug 25 02:47:35 ipfire ntpdate[6529]: adjust time server offset +0.007249 sec
Aug 25 02:47:59 ipfire apcupsd[6723]: apcupsd exiting, signal 15
Aug 25 02:48:00 ipfire ntpd[6580]: ntpd exiting on signal 15 (Terminated)
Aug 25 02:48:31 ipfire exiting on signal 15
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