Time is 7 hours off. It is Portugal where IPF was originally configured. What effect does that have on the problem of connecting. It was connected for a few minutes then not.
And I have forgotten to offer my appreciation for getting IPF back on-line.
Did you check the Timezone
settings in Setup
I reported the error and the suggestion to change the date format of the backup files to YYYY-mm-dd_HH-MM
Setup and fixed the Time. Time works on Reboot until:
Error resolving 0.ipfire.pool.ntp.org: Name or service not known (-2)
Error resolving 1.ipfire.pool.ntp.org: Name or service not known (-2)
Turning Router and IPF On/Off has the connection connected.
But the DNS is still broken:
All’s well. 182>186 Smooth as moo.
It was resetting Time location in Setup
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