Firewall Service Group with 2 spaces kill web access


While trying to initialize a test platform
I discovered a strange behavior.

I installed a new version 190 on a VM
RED in DHCP on

I activated the proxy (transparent) on GREEN
Activated DNS and
Web access worked fine.

Then I wanted to apply the rule defined on the page

And my web access was blocked!!!
No logs in the firewall reports

I searched for a while to discover (by chance) that I had put 2 spaces in my firewall Service Group: DNS (both) instead of DNS (both)

Once the extra space was corrected my web access worked again

Here are the differences I found in the rules:
For the version with 2 DNS (both) spaces

For the version with only one DNS (both) space

I understand that this anomaly is linked to a writing error but I think it’s a bug, right?

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Is DNS (both) with two spaces the name of a service group or a remark or what?

It certainly sounds like a bug but i would like to be certain that i am understanding the detail so i can try and reproduce it.

it’s in the group name

You have to delete and recreate the rule for the bug to disappear

I tried to reproduce with a similiar group ( not preventing ‘normal’ traffic in my family network :wink: ).
You are right, the two spaces produce false rules ( no? ) rules. You can see, if you want to edit the rule. The service group is not the group from the definition.

A case for bugzilla.

I think the easiest way is to ban double spaces in group definitions.

That’s right. But it doesn’t correct the bug. :wink:

It’s easier to remove a use case than to fix complex code.
It avoids testing and side effects :wink:

The practice of trimming and truncating white space characters in Perl/cgi is important in sanatizing user input as two whitespace characters is the escape character entry point like quotes are in PHP.