Firewall rule for ICMP on a bridged network card allowed

I am trying to create a firewall rule for ICMP Protocol to allow only some clients the use of “ping”.
But for some reason it does not work as expected and I do not know why.

I am using the following rules for the firewall:
here the general overview of all rules:

Here specially the rule for the ICMP packages:

Only two clients are within the group of ICMP-Allowed and the green network is a bridged network of 3 network cards. I used the IP Address for the rule instead of the mac address, which I normally use.

The first client (the firewall itself), can not execute a ping to a other client and I get the following message in the log file:

Jul 27 18:12:22 central kernel: DROP_OUTPUT IN= OUT=green0 SRC=A.B.C.1 DST=A.B.C.2 LEN=84 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=26008 DF PROTO=ICMP TYPE=8 CODE=0 ID=4832 SEQ=8

But the client “A.B.C.2” can do a ping to “A.B.C.1” which should not go, because this client is not in the group of allowed computers for “ICMP”.

Where Is my problem, what Do I have to read to fix this problem.

Best regards


I change all the host addressing from Mac to IP, but it still does not work as expected.

Best regards


I also change the Default Setting of the outgoing Firewall back to “allowed”.

Here the wiki:

Outgoing Firewall

The “Outgoing Firewall” offers a way to control traffic of the IPFire itself. It does not affect forwarded traffic from the other local network zones except IPFire acts as proxy. Default and strongly recommended setting is “Allowed”

The ping is now working at all the machines, but the Firewall rule, which should filter this does not work. I also changed the Firewall again from allow to disallow and changed the Groups.

Best regards