I set up a mount point for a usb drive that was formatted with exfat for a samba share. However I coun’t write on this samba share. I wanted to delete the mount point, but it doesn’t work:
"Konnte /mnt/harddisknicht mounten. Vielleicht wird das Gerät bereits verwendet? "
Yes, i access “/var/ipfire/extrahd” and now I don’t remember what I modified but in the files of this path, I edit them and remove all reference to the ExtraHD that I want to delete.
The code is also not fine in another way. If there are empty lines in the config file, they are also seen to be an entry, In my opinion functions sould alway check the file entries for the right syntax first.
I did insert a USB some time ago and found it via ExtraHD, but got stuck with how to use it for anything and forgot about it.
Reading this I guess there is no interface way to manage it properly, like storing logs or backups on it and having them sent via e-mail for reporting or something like that.
I find this a bit annoying and frustrating, half made interface do not work and have little practical usage. “go to ssh” for the fix… yeah sure, I could just as well use fdisk like back in 1995.
The page was created back in 2014/2015. It would be good if there is anyone who has followed it and can feedback if it works.
The problem that was being raised in this thread was not about using a usb hdd that had been inserted but the fact that the mount point does not get removed after the hdd is no longer being used but a bug report for that has already been raised and a link is in an earlier post in this thread.
I played with the code for a few hours but I could not figure out the error/issue. As mentioned above it seems like the devices (/var/ipfire/extrahd/devices) file is not being updated.
(I am trying to figure out how to get perl into a verbose or debug mode)
The devices file is populated during extrahd.pl mount but the devices file is not changed during extrahd.pl umount. I am not sure what this file is for. Maybe to display data on the extrahd.cgi webGUI?!?
@jon is it possible that the device is not unmounted by extrahd.pl (contrary to the message) because there is a process running that still uses it (maybe extrahd.cgi itself)?