Hi all,
I must extend my Wifi also.
in this case, unfortunately, I’m almost clueless.
The AP should be connected to Green on the ipFire via the Ethernet port using a switch (unmanaged).
First question, does a VLAN need to be created here which requires a managed switch?
Second question, if Blue has the ipFire IP 192.168.200.xx and Green has 192.168.100.xx, which IP address setting does the AP need? Blue or Green?
Third question, is it also necessary to deactivate the MAC filter of the Ipfire?
I want to use the AP in BLUE.
My ipFire setup is currently in RED, GREEN, BLUE and ORANGE for an DMZ. and got 4 eth. ports
All networks got different IP’s.
So is it possible to give the AP an IP from BLUE and connect it via etc to Green?
Hi Adolf,
I´m not sure what you mean.
If I setup the AP with an IP from Green, it works → ok its connect via LAN to Green.
If I setup the AP with an IP from BLUE, it won`t work.
Should I connect the AP via LAN to a new “free” ethernet port on ipFire? How can I configure an NIC to BLUE, cause BLUE NIC is the wificard?
Then if you have a wifi card connected to blue then the only way I can think of connecting your AP to it depends if you do have a free NIC on your system.
If yes then on the WUI menu Zone Configuration you should have that free NIC shown with its MAC address but not connected to a zone.
You would then need to select Bridge in the Blue Zone drop down box at the top. Currently that would have Default.
Then you would need to select the NIC that is currently not connected to any zone and in the Blue column change the setting from None to Native.
That way you will have bridged the wifi NIC and the additional NIC so they act as one zone.
The Blue should look similar to this picture but with Blue instead of Green and with only two NIC’s selected instead of the three in this picture, but it should give the idea. bridged green screenshot
yes I´ve got a free NIC which is shown in the network setup.
There are 4 physical etc-ports (one empty) and one WirelessCard. In total 5
But in the UI I can only see 4 eth, RED, GREEN, BLUE, ORANGE.
If in the Network setup you could see 5 NIC’s and you only assigned four of them to Zones then I would expect that in the Zone Configuration page you would also see all five NIC’s.
If you go into the console (or ssh terminal) and run setup and then choose “Networking” and then choose “Drivers and card assignments” are there any NIC’s shown not assigned?
To find this you need to press the OK button and then it will show you the assigned zones and if you choose say Green (note down the existing MAC Address first) then if it shows you an available interface then that should be a different MAC Address from the one currently assigned for Green.
If you can see an unassigned NIC is its MAC address different from the other four NIC’s that you have assigned?
If there are not 5 NIC’s available then you would get the message “There are no unassigned interfaces on your system”
Okay, from what you have shown you have 5 totally separate NIC’s, one of which is the wireless NIC. However all have separate MAC addresses and the spare one shows up in the Networking section of the setup command.
Based on the above I would then expect that in the Zone Configuration WUI page you would have 5 NIC’s shown on the left hand side, with only four of them assigned to a zone.
I did a test on my VM testbed. I can only have 4 network adapters when using the GUI on my virtualbox. I would have to use the command line tools to add more NIC’s up to 8 but I don’t have the time to learn how to do that at the moment.
What I did was install IPFire in a Red/Green/Blue combination but with 4 NIC’s available.
I was then able to see the spare NIC on my Zone Configuration page
With the spare NIC able to be detected on your system with the ip command and seen by the Setup Networking command, I don’t understand why the NIC does not show up in the WUI Zone Configuration page.
I am afraid my knowledge is not sufficient to figure out what is causing the problem here. Hopefully there are other forum users who can suggest what needs to be checked out to figure out what the problem is.
no worries.
I did some tests by changing NIC in the Network Setup BLUE from WirelessCard to eth3. Saved it and restart. It comes up normally so far (Wifi was not working but this was expected)
Go back to the Setup and changed it back. Restart.
Now I can see eth3 in the UI also and got 5 NICs
A bit weird and I don’t understand it, anyway, it’s now available.
Tomorrow I will continue …
Thanks a lot for your effort. Have a nice evening