Error dhcp[pid]: Unbound has died

I was wondering why local hosts specified in GUI Network / Edit hosts were not resolved by clients and found the error message “dhcp[pid]: Unbound has died”. I am running IPFire 2.29 (x86_64) - Core-Update 190.

The file /etc/unbound/hosts.conf looks fine and /etc/unbound/unbound.conf has an appropriate Include statement.

unbound-checkconf seems ok:
unbound-checkconf: no errors in /etc/unbound/unbound.conf

How do I proceed in locating the cause of this issue?

Btw. by checking files in /etc/unbound I found a very old version of root.hints, dating from July 03, 2019. Current one is from December 18, 2024, see

Also by using grep to find “unbound” in /var/log/messages I missed the error message in the first try, because it starts with a capital letter “Unbound”…

Hi Martin,

If this issue is the same it maybe related to RAM on your device AND the RPZ lists that are active.

How much RAM do you have?

Go to the terminal or console and run rpz-metrics lines. The problem may be the largest file (most lines):

[root@ipfire ~] # rpz-metrics lines
name            hits     active    lines   hits/line  last update
MxProPlusHZ     27603    enabled    566525        4 %   2025-01-05
PopUpAdsHZ      374      enabled    174067        0 %   2025-01-05
DOHblockHZ      61565    enabled      2982     2064 %   2025-01-05
AmazonTrkrHZ    5476     enabled       685      799 %   2025-01-05
WinTrkrHZ       370      enabled       683       54 %   2025-01-05
AppleTrkrHZ     15772    enabled       197     8006 %   2025-01-05
tldHZ           14       enabled       129       10 %   2025-01-05
allow           6030     enabled        51    11823 %   2024-12-21
block           2        enabled         9       22 %   2024-12-21
                =======           ========                      
Totals -->       117206            745328                       
[root@ipfire ~] # 

Dear Jon, thanks for looking into this issue.

How much RAM do you have?
My system has 4 GB.

# rpz-metrics lines
-bash: rpz-metrics: command not found

Patch is being created for this.

For info the delta in the list is just for the B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. entry which has a change in its IP. All other entries are unchanged.


:bulb: there is -i for :wink:
so: grep -i "unbound" /var/log/messages :scroll: