Error 500 while updating


I have just updated to 161.

Got an error 500 while updating:

[Fri Nov 26 18:25:35.509760 2021] [core:error] [pid 29327:tid 125760722282048] (70007)The timeout specified has expired: [client] AH00574: ap_content_length_filter: apr_bucket_read() failed, referer:
[Fri Nov 26 18:46:05.750124 2021] [cgid:error] [pid 30714:tid 125760736056320] (13)Permission denied: AH01241: exec of ‘/srv/web/ipfire/cgi-bin/pakfire.cgi’ failed
[Fri Nov 26 18:46:05.750563 2021] [cgid:error] [pid 29327:tid 125760697103936] [client] End of script output before headers: pakfire.cgi, referer:

After reloading the web-interface shows:

Ein Update erfordert einen Neustart! (needs a reboot)

What went wrong?


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Usually there is nothing really wrong.

This error happen sometime if cgi’s are updated. The update has changed the webif files while the site was generated.

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OK, thanks. Happened quite many times before so I was wondering.

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BTW, this mirror caused confusion, too. The download almost stalled so I thought something was broken:

It needed almost an hour to download.


currently, IPFire randomly picks one of our mirror servers do download an upgrade or add-on. Not a very sophisticated approach, this might take pretty long if the server in question is located at the other end of the planet, or bad to reach in terms of routing.

Unfortunately, we currently lack time to make things more smart on this end. However, a faulty update will never be processed further, since its GPG signature does not verify.

Sorry to disappoint, and best regards,
Peter Müller

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