DOWNLOAD ERROR: The downloaded file (ipfire/pakfire2/2.29-x86_64/paks/core-upgrade-2.29-184.ipfire) wasn't verified by Sorry - Exiting

May 22 13:57:31 ipfire pakfire: PAKFIRE INFO: IPFire Pakfire 2.29-x86_64 started!
May 22 13:57:31 ipfire pakfire: CORE INFO: Checking for Core-Updates...
May 22 13:57:31 ipfire pakfire: CORE INFO: core-list.db is 1248 seconds old. - DEBUG: noforce
May 22 13:57:31 ipfire pakfire: CORE UPGR: Upgrading from release 183 to 185
May 22 13:57:31 ipfire pakfire: DOWNLOAD STARTED: paks/core-upgrade-2.29-184.ipfire
May 22 13:57:31 ipfire pakfire: MIRROR INFO: 21 servers found in list
May 22 13:57:31 ipfire pakfire: DOWNLOAD INFO: Host: (HTTPS) - File: ipfire/pakfire2/2.29-x86_64/paks/core-upgrade-2.29-184.ipfire
May 22 13:57:51 ipfire pakfire: DOWNLOAD INFO: ipfire/pakfire2/2.29-x86_64/paks/core-upgrade-2.29-184.ipfire has size of  bytes
May 22 13:58:05 ipfire pakfire: DOWNLOAD INFO: HTTP-Status-Code: 200 - 200 OK
May 22 13:58:05 ipfire pakfire: DOWNLOAD INFO: File received. Start checking signature...

May 22 13:58:05 ipfire pakfire: DOWNLOAD ERROR: The downloaded file (ipfire/pakfire2/2.29-x86_64/paks/core-upgrade-2.29-184.ipfire) wasn't verified by Sorry - Exiting...

May 22 13:58:05 ipfire pakfire: TIME INFO: Time Server has -0.000738 sec offset to localtime.
May 22 13:58:05 ipfire pakfire: PAKFIRE INFO: Pakfire has finished. Closing.

And what now?
How do I get from release 183 to 185?

Did you try more than once?


Yes, I have.

The logs show that there is/was a problem with the download

... pakfire: DOWNLOAD INFO: ipfire/pakfire2/2.29-x86_64/paks/core-upgrade-2.29-184.ipfire has size of  bytes

There is a small issue in the error handling of pakfire.
This isnā€™t ā€˜niceā€™, but it is assured that complete and verified downloads are installed.
In case of such errors just try again. Sometimes mirrors have hick-ups.

Itā€™s been on strike for a week, and now itā€™s suddenly working on the other Internet connection on my desk.

Itā€™s a bit strange.
I donā€™t understand it.

The update was started several times.
It was also restarted several times.
The internet connection was also OK.
The IP from the provider was reassigned daily.

Could IP blocking on the downlod server be the cause?

For now everything is OK, thanks.

Just a question. Was the chosen mirror always the same?

Yes, the one specified in the installation image.

After first pakfire update it download a list of mirrors. The question was if it was always

or sometimes an other of the 21 mirrors.

Have you enough free disk space?
did ā€œpakfire update --forceā€ on commandline or ssh change something

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After the first pakfire update, a list of mirrors was downloaded. The question was whether it was always or sometimes another of the 21 mirrors.

I canā€™t tell now because itā€™s already back at the site. But I was told that it had the problem once with an older update.

Do you have enough free disk space?
More than enough 360Gb :slight_smile:

Did ā€œpakfire update --forceā€ on the command line or via ssh change anything?

Update was done via the web interface.

Iā€™ll wait until the next update to see if everything works.

Thank you.

Can you access the message log remotely (via VPN and SSH)?

if yes, then enter this command and post the results:

grep pakfire /var/log/messages

I ran the above command on my IPFire and the results are about 200 lines. Also I did not see any ā€œprivateā€ info in the results so it is OK to post.

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Just more information, especially concerning the error, can be sampled with
zgrep pakfire /var/log/messages*|grep -A 1 Host
This searches all messages files and shows the mirror URL and the filesize ( which shouldnā€™t be empty! ).


/var/log/messages.9.gz:Mar 23 04:25:53 BitschCop pakfire: DOWNLOAD INFO: Host: (HTTPS) - File: pakfire2/2.29-x86_64/lists/packages_list.db
/var/log/messages.9.gz:Mar 23 04:25:54 BitschCop pakfire: DOWNLOAD INFO: pakfire2/2.29-x86_64/lists/packages_list.db has size of 5277 bytes
/var/log/messages.9.gz:Mar 23 04:25:54 BitschCop pakfire: DOWNLOAD INFO: Host: (HTTPS) - File: ipfire/pakfire2/2.29-x86_64/lists/core-list.db
/var/log/messages.9.gz:Mar 23 04:25:55 BitschCop pakfire: DOWNLOAD INFO: ipfire/pakfire2/2.29-x86_64/lists/core-list.db has size of 903 bytes

No the computer is back at its location (approx 270km)and there is no way to access it remotely.

I will make a note of the information.
According to information from the user, this has happened before.
If the error occurs again, I will report further here.

Thank you for your help.

For long distance support it is advisable to define remote SSH access, either by

  • SSH agent forwarding or
  • TCP forwarding or
  • VPN

The first two methods are mentioned in - SSH Access

I am confused. Why do you want SSH agent Forwarding or TCP forwarding? SSH Agent forwarding allows you to go via IPFire to another server using keys without doing a second login. TCP forwarding just allows you to to forward a packet from a port in IPF to a port on another server.

Surely what you want for security is to disallow password authentication and allow Public Key authentication, if you are going to use direct SSH access. At this point you can then use SSH TCP Forwarding locally (not on IPF) to forward port 444 from localhost to IPF:444.

Alternatively, as Jon said, use a VPN and then you can access SSH directly (and the UI).

The IPFire has no connection to the Internet, it only separates two networks securely from each other.
The machine control is accessed via VPN via the IPFire, everything else remains off.
Some people in the office are just too playful and have to play around with everything they can get their hands on.
Logging on to the IPFire, whether console or web interface, is only possible if a USB dongel is plugged in.
Without this, even root cannot log in.

SSH tunnel and SSH agent forwarding are for remote access to the local SSH server.

@pic18f2550 , this situation makes it ā€˜not easyā€™ to support the IPFire machine. :wink:

This sounds like the main reason why Pakfire cannot updateā€¦

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