I was trying to add a small monthly donation via credit card and paypal and the page lead me to a generic error 500.
Hello Joe,
thank you for donating (or trying to :D).
Unfortunately I could not find anything in the logs. When did you try and what did the error page look like?
I tried again and I get this generic error page.
I’ve tried this now on a windows and linux machine with different browsers. Perhaps my card is on a black list?
Hello Joe,
I had a look at this and you did everything right. You entered your credit card data and submitted the form.
However, we have to use a mechanism which is called “3D Secure”. This is an invention by MasterCard and VISA and AmericanExpress use the same thing, but gave it a different name. It practically is a two-factor authentication mechasim and mandatory to be used in Europe for a couple of years now.
Some banks send you a text with a code, some banks have an app that shows you call transaction details which you will have to approve.
This process has failed with your transaction, but I cannot tell you why. It might be that your credit card is not enabled for 3D Secure. This has happened in the past with cards from the US, but we didn’t have this in a while.
I would suggest to contact your bank and see if they can tell you why they declined the payment. The decision was made by them, since they were contacted from our system, through our payment provider.
Please let me know what they said and if I can help with any further information.
alrighty. I’ll bother my bank about this. thanks.