Hello, I’m a newbie. Please tell me how to block certain sites on the green network. I tried the opaque mode, but it doesn’t block websites. I’ve tried categories and it doesn’t block either. Judging by the messages here, you need to set up a proxy on each computer to block websites, but is there any way to do without it?
I am aware of two ways. One, use a paid DNS service with such features. Two, set up firewall rules that block the IP belonging to said websites. Assuming it is a static IP.
Do you mean blocking web traffic?
To be functioning
- all devices on green must use the proxy, see documentation about this in the community and wiki ( “force proxy usage” may be a aearch pattern )
- all traffic between green clients has to go through IPFire; this not necessarily true for connection with switches ( standard construction of ethernet networks )
BTW: which rules did you try?
Please tell me how to block the IP addresses of websites. I can’t figure it out.
First, you need to find the IPs. You can search “find IP of website” in your favorite search engine. Assuming the website uses a static IP or a small block of IPs, this is doable. If they are on a rotating set that is not regular, this may be difficult or impossible, or if it’s a shared IP, you may block other websites pointing to the same IPs.
Second, you need to set up a firewall rule using Firewall Groups. There is documentation online for setting up firewall rules. You can also search “ipfire block ip address” to get you started.
This is true.
For effectiveness of WPAD the clients to green must be forced to use the proxy (no access to port 80, 443, … on RED is allowed by the firewall).