Does not block websites at all

Hello, I’m a newbie. Please tell me how to block certain sites on the green network. I tried the opaque mode, but it doesn’t block websites. I’ve tried categories and it doesn’t block either. Judging by the messages here, you need to set up a proxy on each computer to block websites, but is there any way to do without it?

I am aware of two ways. One, use a paid DNS service with such features. Two, set up firewall rules that block the IP belonging to said websites. Assuming it is a static IP.

Do you mean blocking web traffic?
To be functioning

  1. all devices on green must use the proxy, see documentation about this in the community and wiki ( “force proxy usage” may be a aearch pattern )
  2. all traffic between green clients has to go through IPFire; this not necessarily true for connection with switches ( standard construction of ethernet networks )

BTW: which rules did you try?

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Please tell me how to block the IP addresses of websites. I can’t figure it out.

First, you need to find the IPs. You can search “find IP of website” in your favorite search engine. Assuming the website uses a static IP or a small block of IPs, this is doable. If they are on a rotating set that is not regular, this may be difficult or impossible, or if it’s a shared IP, you may block other websites pointing to the same IPs.

Second, you need to set up a firewall rule using Firewall Groups. There is documentation online for setting up firewall rules. You can also search “ipfire block ip address” to get you started.

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This is true.



For effectiveness of WPAD the clients to green must be forced to use the proxy (no access to port 80, 443, … on RED is allowed by the firewall).