Disk full, only 9% left after updating to U138

Generally this looks like it is going to work.

You can make it more simple by removing the call of find and sed, but the steps that the code is doing are looking good.

That would be great :wink: but i’m not a developer coder.

That is why I am here to help you out :stuck_out_tongue:

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May something like this ?

for rrd in /var/log/rrd/*.rrd; do
    echo "$rrd"

as an idea. If you made a backup of the original file, you can use “diff -u {original_file} {new_file}” so your changes can better be applied but also overviewed.



Yes, that is the cheapest way to list all files ending in “.rrd”.

Well i have just enlarged the partition with gparted to 1G or something like it. I did a backup beforehand of course, but it worked out really well for me.

@ alternativende

I’ve also used gparted in earlier years, but it is currenly a stop-gap measure for older installations. The next partition that could be short of space is / See Core 139 - Filesystem full

New installations overcome that by not having a separate /var partition and allocating most disk space to /, as well as having larger /boot partition.

oh sorry only now the answer, thanks.
Could solve it, however, think I used the gparted via live CD.