Directory tree to the CGI pages to edit ipfire pages?

So what is the directory tree to the CGI pages to edit ipfire pages?

I haven’t poked around yet too much, but I didn’t see the default Apache install directory.

If you are in the build tree then it is


and if in the installed tree then they are in


I am not sure what you are looking for here?
You can look at the apache2 lfs file and it will show you the installation details for when it is built and installed. It is in the lfs directory in the build tree.

If you are looking for the apache configuration files on your built system then those can be found at

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Thanks. I was looking for the web pages to edit. I was thinking of editing the main page so it would list the interfaces and their current link speed.

But others from a raspberry pi group noticed me online here and also wanted to make a version of raspi-config. So in a couple of weeks I will have something put together for that, just might need a little help packaging it for packfire.

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The web user interface (WUI) is the main interface for configuration and information in IPFire. Therefore it is not trivial to maintain a ‘personal’ version of it.
The WUI manages the settings of the system. According to this values the various configuration files are generated.
This means, the WUI source is changed often ( in small parts ). These modifications are part of each CU, so one must check it against the private version.
IMO, it is better to discuss those enhancements in the dev mail list. If they are of interest they take their way into the main distribution. Otherwise reading the list gives information of possible changes.

I just write whatever, and if they like it they will adapt it. But as far as I can see, the devs have some work to be done on it to make it more efficient than adding features. I look at the add-ons as bloatware because most of it I wouldn’t want to run it on the a gateway/router for a network.

I wonder why it takes so long for the index page of ipfire’s local server page to render. Obviously, there is code that is not optimised. Perl is not that slow.

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How long does it take for the index page?

For me for an uncached page it takes 1-2 seconds depending on the browser I pick.

The is on an PC Engine APU4D4.

Are you testing on a raspberry pi? Which one?

I am curious what you are going to make or how you were going to change raspi-config?

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If you have changed index.cgi, you could know what the reason is. You read the code.

Changes to the system are not necessarily done by the core devs only. Each user is invited to submit to the code, see - Development


The ipfire server is a 6 core AMD 6300fx and when I remote in with a pi5 it renders 1/2 the page within a second then about 5-6 seconds later the rest of the page renders, but I noticed at the bottom of the page a message saying an update is available. The only things I haven’t checked is their code to see if it can be optimised.

I’m building a rasp-config GCI pages that go straight into ipfire on my electronics bench pi4b. I will test it later on a pi5 but it should work since I am working off the current source code of raspi-config and the previous programming notes I have for that project.