Direct upgrade from 181 to 184?

I’ve been holding off upgrading from 181 on my Raspberry Pi due to the DHCP issues. I believe those are resolved in 184, however my admin interface is only showing that an upgrade from 181 to 183 is available. Is it possible to go direct to 184 or do I need to either take it in steps or start with a fresh SD card?


Refresh your lists on the pakfire wui page. It might not yet have been refreshed since 184 was released.

What dhcp issues with RPi are you referring to?

The dhcp package has not been updated since 181 as far as i am aware.

The last update of the dhcp package was in Core Update 171, so a long time ago (Oct 2022).

So I would not expert any problem in CU181 nor any difference for CU184.

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I was referring to the issue discussed here: Core update 182 aarch64 - red0 interface stops - #9 by pygr

I thought that was fixed in 184?

Ah okay. That is related to dhcpc not dhcp. Those are two separate programs.

dhcp is the dhcp server program on IPFire.

dhcpc is the dhcp client program on IPFire.

dhcpc was updated in Core Update 184. No feedback was provided by anyone using RPi during the Testing phase of CU184 so you will have to try out CU184 and see if the bug fix from dhcpc fixes the issue you were seeing or not.

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Sorry about the confusion. I will give it a try sometime this coming week and report back.

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After pakfire refresh, I’m still not seeing the option to directly upgrade to 184. With that said, I may actually be better off creating a fresh SD card. Out of interest, assuming I have a keyboard and monitor attached, is there a way to skip the setup steps and directly restore a backup via CLI? Usually, I’ve gone through setup and then done it via webapp, but that is a lot of setup steps when all of that should be sitting there in my backup. I’ve seen reference to backupctrl and I’m wondering if that is the trick here?

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I ended up creating a fresh SD card with the latest version of IPFire and things seem to be running properly now. Thanks for all of the help!

You can’t do the update from 181 to 184 in one go because in that set of updates the major version was changed from 2.27 to 2.29 in CU183.

See following thread for more info.

A fresh install of the latest version also works.

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