DHCP dynamic clients not showing as expected

Is the IP of your solar converter static set or received by DHCP?

Once more. In a network there are three classes of devices

  1. static: network information ( device address, network address, broadcast address, gateway ) is defined in the device. This must match the definitions for the IPFire zone, the device is attached to.

  2. fixed lease: network information is obtained with DHCP. Well known device, therefore a relation ( MAC, IP ) is defined in IPFire’s DHCP server.

  3. dynamic lease: network information is obtained with DHCP. Temporarily present devices, IP is chosen from a pool

The ranges must not overlap. Any IP in the network may belong to only one class.

static: ( network address ), ( broadcast address ), ( IPFire’s green interface ), … ( devices with static confirguration )
fixed: …, IPs can be associated by fixed leases definitions ( MAC, IP )
dynamic: …, address pool managed by dhcpd

About your solar converter. How can you reach this device? Often those wireless devices allow a configuration after reset using their own wireless network. You must connect to this special network with your device ( laptop, smartphone ) to reach the configuration page.

Static, on BLUE, but irrelevant in this matter. I am locked out from any kind of Network management on the solar device. You need special credentials to be able to access that, or help from the company that provided the solution. Anything else is a potential warranty issue and the stuff is brand new, not taking any chances on that.

I had the same problem with my NAS from Netgear.
I changed from DHCP to statik. In the first run it worked well until the NAS changed the ip address an I wasn’t able to get a connection to the NAS an change the setting.
Netgear provided a Tool to get access to the NAS and then I could change the setting.
Now I have only fixed leases in ipfire and DHCP mode in all my equipment
Hopefully your supplier of the solar converter can give you assistents

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I use my posts and heated argumentati… emm… friendly dialogues :smile: to help me keep track of what happens in my FW, so please forgive this little bump.

DHCP works again. Don’t ask me what I did. I can see the leases for Green in the DHCP page. And Blue.

I also redefined my Blue to only have a dynamic span of 100 to 200, which may have helped, but I don’t think so, since DHCP worked prior to that. I have not yet done the same span change on Green, because I am tackling other issues in other threads… Blue static addressing is used on 4 devices, 2 AP’s and one switch feeding them PoE, and of course the Solar Panel.

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And now finally reconfigured the Green into:

so these issues should not occur anymore.

A post was split to a new topic: List gets borked when a BOOTP client gets its IP