Core Update 191 and Samba

At first I thought libtalloc had gone walkabout with core 191, Yet looking at the error, it seems to be a mere typo.

nmbd smbd & winbind all fail to load the talloc library from:

/usr/lib//samba/ `TALLOC_2.3.5’

Note the //samba

Seems a path issue & a fix would be ever so nice.

Which arch did you use and on which pakfire tree you are?

At my systems samba is working. (there was a libtalloc problem in the testing phase but this should be fixed with samba pak 107)

Also current version of samba should build against libtalloc 2.4.2 not 2.3.5


A double slash in Linux is just ignored and not treated as an error. It is just treated as a single slash.


Just used Pakfire to install the updates. Nothing special going on. Old computer. The version error must be from the 191 update as 190 worked.

System ID:

I have again tried to reproduce this.

Installed a fresh core190 and samba and then update to core191.
Samba works without problems.


Yes update from 190 to 191 works. Samba is not working in 191 clean install. Can not change workgropup, wgui service shows warning.

OK, so looking like a clean install w/190 might be the fix. 191 has issues…

I cannot reproduce this.

Also samba is an addon and has nothing to do with core190 or 191. At a fresh install the same samba-*-107 addon will installed.


I did a fresh install of CU191 and then installed samba and had no problems. It installed and started.

I also cannot reproduce the issue being talked about.

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I saved settings before disabled samba, maybe this is a cause. I disabled samba next time, but it was to late.

I think you need to show us the actual error message that you got. is not in /usr/lib/samba/ it is in /usr/lib/

What do you get when you run the commands

ls -hal /usr/lib/libtalloc*
ls-hal /usr/lib/samba/libtalloc*

These will show the libtalloc libraries installed on the system you are having problems with.

What do you get when you run

ldd /usr/sbin/smbd | grep libtalloc

This will show which libtalloc libraries samba is linked to and where they are located.

You do not have to disable samba before doing a backup. I never have and have not had any problem when doing a backup or a restore.
The backup does not save any of the libraries, so doing a restore will not change any of the libraries.

The more I investigate the more peculiar your error message is.

IPFire updated libtalloc in the following steps:

Core Update 173  1.3.1 to 1.3.4
Core Update 184  1.3.4 to 2.4.1
Core Update 190  2.4.1 to 2.4.2

So version 2.3.5 has never been built in IPFire.

I then went and looked in the directory where the libtalloc source files are stored and version 2.3.5 has never existed.

You need to make your system give that error message and then post the complete error message as it is shown.