Core 166/next - testing - where to report findings of tests

I just completed a full install of the recently released stable core 166, and then did a restore from a core 165 backup done using the suggested “cd / && backupctrl include” via console. The restore worked really well except for the logwatch files for the log summary (I will report that bug)
Restore tested items were.
. SSH Keys worked
. All graphs ok except the fwhits graph shows error already existing in 165. bug was reported.
. Connection scheduler, DNS, Web proxy, URL Filter, DHCP configs and fixed leases list, all ok
. Time server settings ok
. IPS rules all loaded. Only thing was service had to be started via the SAVE button.
. User fw rules, blue access devices, service groups and user services, location list, firewall options, iptable CUSTOMINPUT, all ok
. Firewall logs appear intact except the log summary.
( eg: /var/log/logwatch/2022-03-31 could not be opened ).

I have not yet tested a WebUI backup of 166 onto a fresh installed 166.

You lads have done a great job in nailing this one down. Two thumbs up !!!

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