Clamav edit page


Please advise where the virus warning page is in clamav. In what directory. and how to edit it for your own needs. I would like to change the graphics and information for the user, thank you.

If I’m right it is located in /srv/web/ipfire/html/clwarn.cgi

do you know how to copy a file to my pc via ssh. then edit it and upload it again via ssh. I am a beginner, therefore, such questions.
Thank you

rcp root@ipfire:/srv/web/ipfire/html/clwarn.cgi .

will copy clwarn.cgi to your home dir. Then, you modified it … push it back

rcp clwarn.cgi root@ipfire:/srv/web/ipfire/html/


If you have a windows client WinSCP would be worth a look if you are not that familiar with working on the shell.