I have finally reinstalled IPFIRE from start ( HDD space problems) and i have some issues after instaltion.
I cannot access dashboard after i turn on ClientVPN.
I can RDP other VM in the network and from there i can acess it
It just hangs in Loading , also tried more browsers.
From my PC i can telnet port 22 and 444 and they seam opened.
Putty works on port 22
WINSCP does NOT work on port 22 ( it used to work).
After instalation i copied back all files from /var/firewall and /var/fwhosts ( i had like 50 rules that i did not want to recreate , all those rule are still working).
So there is no error message. The browser doesn’t timeout.
In that case I would try and access the page as described and then either use ssh at a terminal, if it is working, or go to the console and look at the following log file:-
and see if there are any error messages being shown at the end of that file that give any clue as to what is occurring.
Is the problem that the WUI stops working after you have started the OpenVPN Server or is it that you can’t access the WUI via your OpenVPN roadwarrior connection?
So i use a WIN 10 OS at home , i start the OPENVPN Client and i get succesfully connected to VPN (green/connected).
Then i go in browser at .
Open VPN works fine , just that i cannot access the dasboard from a client PC.
I can RDP on a VM from where the IPFIRE is and from that VM i can access the dashboard. Sorry if i did not explain my issue good.
As I understand it, you can connect to the dashboard from a VM inside the VPN, but not through the VPN from the outside? You mentioned that you have a lot of firewall rules that you’ve put in place. Is it possible that one of these rules is dropping the traffic?
For some troubleshooting, I would suggest that you ‘tail -f /var/log/httpd/access_log | grep -v speed’ (the grep is to ignore the speed.cgi entries that pop up every couple of seconds - at least on my system) and compare what happens when you try to access the desktop from the VM as opposed to the WIN 10 OS.
If you don’t see any entries hit the access log when trying to access from the WIN 10 OS machine (but do from the VM) it probably means that the packets aren’t getting to the web server at all and the question would be where they’re getting dropped along the way.
Good Morning ,
Thanks for answering ,
Regarding the rules , we have 30 Alias IP and we use them for reaching out from different VM inside the LAN.
All those rules were in place before reinstalling so i guess it should have not work before as well if one of them was incorect.
Running this : tail -f /var/log/httpd/access_log | grep -v speed
Did not show any result.
I just check the access log file and i have these entries :