Bow to ze fritzbox!

I see that expression a lot in these fora so I thought I do myself and other perhaps non-german visitors the favour to show wtf some people are talking about…





Thanks for sharing that link. Browsed their site and I like their hardware. The distributors in Australia for Fritzbox seem to be limited.

I’m curious how you position the Fritzbox in relation to the IPFire? If it was me I would have the IPF on the border and the Fritzbox inside the LAN for its wireless and ports capabilities. But you might suggest otherwise.

This is exactly why you put your Fritzbox in bridge mode or ipfire after the Fritzbox.
I have a Fios ONT box it is a phone / internet bridge. Which they give you a router if you want it to add routing and wifi. The problem for some of us is that these units typically have a ssl back door for them to remotely manage etc.
This is why you don’t want them in your life.

Correction… good supply Downunder via this Distributor: https://firsti

Agreed, I have taken a closer look at several ISP supplied modem/routers and they all come with backdoors or incoming ports that can’t be blocked.

This is similar to my incoming fiber iSP box, its pretty much stupid.


I do not even recall what “router” I got from ISP with the subscription, used my own purchased Routers since ADSL time, almost 10 years ago and before that my own modems.

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For use with IPFire, I think a FritzBox is a bit oversized.
For internet access with CableInternet ( DOCSIS ) you just need a modem ( FB in bridge mode ) for conversion of able signals to ethernet ( IP ). The telephony functions can be used also.But you wouldn’t use the AP functions, this local net managed by IPFire.
The access of the ISP to the FB is okay, if you can use a configuration similiar to my location:

  • The router is supplied ( and owned! ) by the ISP as device to deliver internet traffic
  • The router works in bridge mode with ethernet output only ( public IP, no NAT )
  • internet access for the local network(s) is managed and controlled by IPFire
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And in France we have the Freebox… :smiley: