Block devices from reaching 8.8.x.x

Hi Sorry if this is a trivial question, but I am a total newbie on IPFire.

I am trying to block streaming devices from reaching their own custom DNS,

I am running my own local DNS (, and IPfire is obviously running its own Unbound.

I know few devices, are using and , I am not sure if they can reach IPv6 DNS. I assume not?

Usually on a router I run “Static Routes” forwards to etc…

IPFire -Networking-Static Routes is asking for something else.

Add a route
Host IP address / Network:
Gateway: Enabled:

Additionaly, do I have to block separately DNS queries to for TCP, UDP, TLS?

Thank you and appreciate any suggestions

Firewall rule?


Sorry if this is a trivial question, but I am a total newbie on IPFire.

welcome to the IPFire community. :slight_smile:

Your problem can be solved easily by setting up firewall rules. Please refer to the firewall documentation on how IPFire’s firewall engine works, caveats, and how to write rules for it.

In case you seek further information about operational details of maintaining a secure firewall ruleset, I suggest to have a look at this article:

Let us know if there are any questions not solved by the documentation. :slight_smile:

Thanks, and best regards,
Peter Müller

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