Banish port fixes for latest update

this is not in any way a pro fix but it works if your using it

**Edit - i modified the “GeoIP Mod” sections in the code and made it use for flags and locations

# Banish 1.4.7
# Add the ability to block all access to IP and/or Networks
# SID Solutions
# Solid Innovative Designed Solutions
# Copyright (c) 2005/07/10 Sid McLaurin 
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
# $Id: Banish.cgi,v 1.4.7 2008/03/18 20:13 Sid McLaurin
# Ported to IPFire 29/12/2018 by Rob Brewer
use strict;

# GeoIP Mod
#use Geo::IP::PurePerl;
use Getopt::Std;

# enable only the following on debugging purpose
#use warnings;
#use CGI::Carp 'fatalsToBrowser';

require '/var/ipfire/';
require '/var/ipfire/Banish/';
require "${General::swroot}/";
require "${General::swroot}/";
require "${General::swroot}/";

#workaround to suppress a warning when a variable is used only once
my @dummy = ( ${Header::colouryellow} );
undef (@dummy);

my %cgiparams=();
my %checked=();
my %selected=();
my %settings=();
my %netsettings;

# Load Network Settings
&General::readhash("${General::swroot}/ethernet/settings", \%netsettings);

my $errormessage = '';
my $filename = "${General::swroot}/Banish/Banish_config";
my $outfilename = "${General::swroot}/Banish/ip_Banishlist";
my $removefilename = "${General::swroot}/Banish/rm_Banishlist";
my $changed = 'no';
my $size = '';
my $filter_changed = '';
my $start = 0;
my $count = 0;
my $version = "Port of Banish 1.4.7 to IPFire";
my $viewsize = '0';

# Select array for Display Settings
my @VS = ('15','50','100','150','250','500');
$settings{'DISPLAY_AMOUNT'} = '50';
$settings{'ACTION'} = '';
$settings{'APPLY'} = '';


$cgiparams{'ENABLED'} = 'off';
$cgiparams{'ACTION'} = '';
$cgiparams{'SRC'} = '';
$cgiparams{'REMARK'} ='';
$cgiparams{'CURR_SRC'} = '';
$cgiparams{'START'} = 0;
$cgiparams{'FILTER'} = '';

# Get Current Configuration
open(FILE, $filename) or die 'Unable to open config file.';
	my @current = <FILE>;

# Get amount of filter matching entries if applicable
if ($cgiparams{'FILTER'} ne '')
	$size = grep $cgiparams{'FILTER'}, @current;
} else {
		$size = @current;

# Get Current Settings

# Save Banish Settings
if ($settings{'ACTION'} eq $Lang::tr{'save'}) {
	&General::writehash("/var/ipfire/Banish/Banish_settings", \%settings);
	$cgiparams{'START'} = 0;
	# Log saving of Banish settings to syslog
	system('/usr/bin/logger', '-t', 'banish', $Lang::tr{'Banish settings saved'});

&General::readhash("/var/ipfire/Banish/Banish_settings", \%settings);
$checked{'ENABLED'}{'off'} = '';
$checked{'ENABLED'}{'on'} = '';
$checked{'ENABLED'}{$cgiparams{'ENABLED'}} = "checked='checked'";
map ($selected{'DISPLAY_AMOUNT'}{$_} = '', @VS);
$selected{'DISPLAY_AMOUNT'}{$settings{'DISPLAY_AMOUNT'}} = "selected='selected'";

# Set Entry Display Amount
if ($settings{'DISPLAY_AMOUNT'} ne '')
	$viewsize = $settings{'DISPLAY_AMOUNT'};
} else {
	$viewsize = 50;

# Sort Banished Resources
if ($cgiparams{'ACTION'} eq $Lang::tr{'Banish sort by ip/network'})

	open(INFILE, $filename) or die 'Unable to open config file.';
		my @in = <INFILE>;
	# Sort FQDN entries
	my @sorted = sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } @in;

	# Sort IP entries
	my @out = sort {

    	pack('C4' => $a =~



    	pack('C4' => $b =~


  	} @sorted;

	open(OUTFILE, ">$filename") or die 'Unable to open ip list file.';
		flock OUTFILE, 2;
	foreach my $line (@out)
			print OUTFILE "$line";

# Sort entries by remarks
if ($cgiparams{'ACTION'} eq $Lang::tr{'Banish sort by remark'})
	my $ip1 = '';
	my $enabled1 = '';
	my $remark1 = '';
	my $ip2 = '';
	my $enabled2 = '';
	my $remark2 = '';

	open(INFILE, $filename) or die 'Unable to open config file.';
		my @in = <INFILE>;

	# Sort entries
	my @out = sort byremark @in;

	sub byremark {

		($ip1, $enabled1, $remark1) = split(/\,/, $a);
		($ip2, $enabled2, $remark2) = split(/\,/, $b);
		return (lc($remark1) cmp lc($remark2));

	open(OUTFILE, ">$filename") or die 'Unable to open config file.';
		flock OUTFILE, 2;
		foreach my $line (@out)
			print OUTFILE "$line";

# Sort entries by the ones that are enbabled
if ($cgiparams{'ACTION'} eq $Lang::tr{'Banish sort by enabled'})
	my $ip1 = '';
	my $enabled1 = '';
	my $remark1 = '';
	my $ip2 = '';
	my $enabled2 = '';
	my $remark2 = '';

	open(INFILE, $filename) or die 'Unable to open config file.';
		my @in = <INFILE>;

	# Sort entries
	my @out = sort byenable @in;

	sub byenable {

		($ip1, $enabled1, $remark1) = split(/\,/, $a);
		($ip2, $enabled2, $remark2) = split(/\,/, $b);
		return ($enabled2 cmp $enabled1);
	open(OUTFILE, ">$filename") or die 'Unable to open config file.';
		flock OUTFILE, 2;
	foreach my $line (@out)
			print OUTFILE "$line";

# Apply Filter Settings
if ($cgiparams{'ACTION'} eq $Lang::tr{'apply'}) {
	$cgiparams{'START'} = 0;
	# Log application of filter to syslog
	system('/usr/bin/logger', '-t', 'banish', $Lang::tr{'Banish display filter applied'}.$cgiparams{'FILTER'});


# Modify Banish config
if ($cgiparams{'ACTION'} eq $Lang::tr{'add'})
	# User Entry Error Handling
	# Check for blank resource entry
	if ($cgiparams{'SRC'} eq '') 
		$errormessage = $Lang::tr{'source ip bad'}; 
	# Don't lock yourself out!
	elsif ($cgiparams{'SRC'} eq '')
    	$errormessage = $Lang::tr{'source ip bad'};
	# Check for IP Address or CDIR resource entry
	elsif(&General::validipormask($cgiparams{'SRC'})ne '1')

		# Check for FQDN resouce entry
		# Use Banish version because IPFire version is in error rwb - 29/12/18
		if(&Banish::validfqdn($cgiparams{'SRC'})ne '1')
			# Check for MAC Address entry
			if(&General::validmac($cgiparams{'SRC'})ne '1')
				# Check for IP Range entry
				if(&Banish::validiprange($cgiparams{'SRC'})ne '1')
                                    #added to check for valid IP rwb - 10/12/18
                                    if(&General::validip($cgiparams{'SRC'})ne '1')
					$errormessage = $Lang::tr{'Banish invalid resource'};
	# Check for ',' in remark entry
	elsif ($cgiparams{'REMARK'} =~ /,/)
		$errormessage = $Lang::tr{'Banish invalid comment'};
	if ( ! $errormessage)
	   	# Load User Input Values
	   	$cgiparams{'REMARK'} = &Header::cleanhtml($cgiparams{'REMARK'});
		$cgiparams{'CURR_SRC'} = $cgiparams{'SRC'};
		# Add New rule
		if($cgiparams{'EDITING'} eq 'no') {
			system("/bin/cp $outfilename $removefilename");
			open(FILE,">>$filename") or die 'Unable to open config file.';
				flock FILE, 2;
			print FILE "$cgiparams{'SRC'},$cgiparams{'ENABLED'},$cgiparams{'REMARK'}\n";
			open(IP_FILE, ">>$outfilename") or die 'Unable to open banish file.';
				flock IP_FILE, 2;
			if ($cgiparams{'ENABLED'} eq 'on')
				print IP_FILE "$cgiparams{'SRC'}\n";
		# Edit Rule	
		} else {
			system("/bin/cp $outfilename $removefilename");
			open(FILE, ">$filename") or die 'Unable to open config file.';
				flock FILE, 2;
			open(IP_FILE, ">$outfilename") or die 'Unable to open banish file.';
				flock IP_FILE, 2;
			# Write resource to the Banish List
			my $id = 0;
			foreach my $line (@current)
				if ($cgiparams{'EDITING'} eq $id) {
					print FILE "$cgiparams{'SRC'},$cgiparams{'ENABLED'},$cgiparams{'REMARK'}\n";
					my @temp = split(/\,/,$line);
					if ($cgiparams{'ENABLED'} eq 'on')
						print IP_FILE "$temp[0]\n";
				} else { 
					print FILE "$line"; 
					my @temp = split(/\,/,$line);
					if ($temp[1] eq 'on')
						print IP_FILE "$temp[0]\n";
		# Apply Banish Rules
		# Log rule addition/modification activity to syslog
		if($cgiparams{'EDITING'} eq 'no') 
			system('/usr/bin/logger', '-t', 'banish', $Lang::tr{'Banish rule added'}.$cgiparams{'CURR_SRC'});
		else {	
			system('/usr/bin/logger', '-t', 'banish', $Lang::tr{'Banish rule modified'}.$cgiparams{'CURR_SRC'});	
		# Save and re-apply start & filter variables
		my $sid = $cgiparams{'START'};
		$filter_changed = $cgiparams{'FILTER'};
		undef %cgiparams;
		$changed = 'yes';
		$cgiparams{'START'} = $sid;
		$cgiparams{'FILTER'} = $filter_changed;
	} else {
		# stay on edit mode if an error occur
		if ($cgiparams{'EDITING'} ne 'no')
			$cgiparams{'ACTION'} = $Lang::tr{'edit'};
			$cgiparams{'ID'} = $cgiparams{'EDITING'};

# Remove rule from Banish Configuration & List
if ($cgiparams{'ACTION'} eq $Lang::tr{'remove'})
	system("/bin/cp $outfilename $removefilename");
	my $id = 0;
	open(FILE, ">$filename") or die 'Unable to open config file.';
		flock FILE, 2;
	open(IP_FILE, ">$outfilename") or die 'Unable to open banish file.';
		flock IP_FILE, 2;
	foreach my $line (@current)
		unless ($cgiparams{'ID'} eq $id) 
			print FILE "$line"; 
			my @temp = split(/\,/,$line);
			if ($temp[1] eq 'on')
				print IP_FILE "$temp[0]\n";
		if ($cgiparams{'ID'} eq $id)
			my @temp = split(/\,/,$line);
			$cgiparams{'CURR_SRC'} = $temp[0];
	# Apply Banish rules
	# Log rule removal to syslog
	system('/usr/bin/logger', '-t', 'banish', $Lang::tr{'Banish rule removed'}.$cgiparams{'CURR_SRC'});

# Toggle rule on/off
if ($cgiparams{'ACTION'} eq $Lang::tr{'toggle enable disable'})
	system("/bin/cp $outfilename $removefilename");
	open(FILE, ">$filename") or die 'Unable to open config file.';
	flock FILE, 2;
	open(IP_FILE, ">$outfilename") or die 'Unable to open banish file.';
	flock IP_FILE, 2;
	my $id = 0;
	foreach my $line (@current)
		unless ($cgiparams{'ID'} eq $id) { 
		print FILE "$line"; 
		my @temp = split(/\,/,$line);
		if ($temp[1] eq 'on')
				print IP_FILE "$temp[0]\n";
			my @temp = split(/\,/,$line);
			print FILE "$temp[0],$cgiparams{'ENABLE'},$temp[2]\n";
			$cgiparams{'CURR_SRC'} = $temp[0];
			if ($cgiparams{'ENABLE'} eq 'on')
				print IP_FILE "$temp[0]\n";
	# Apply Banish rules
	# Log rule toggle event to syslog
	system('/usr/bin/logger', '-t', 'banish', $Lang::tr{'Banish rule toggled'}."'".$cgiparams{'ENABLE'}."' for ".$cgiparams{'CURR_SRC'});

# Load rule for edit
if ($cgiparams{'ACTION'} eq $Lang::tr{'edit'})
	my $id = 0;
	foreach my $line (@current)
		if ($cgiparams{'ID'} eq $id)
			my @temp = split(/\,/,$line);
			$cgiparams{'SRC'} = $temp[0];
			$cgiparams{'ENABLED'} = $temp[1];
			$cgiparams{'REMARK'} = $temp[2];

if ($cgiparams{'ACTION'} eq '')
	$cgiparams{'ENABLED'} = 'on';
&General::readhash("/var/ipfire/Banish/Banish_settings", \%settings);
$checked{'ENABLED'}{'off'} = '';
$checked{'ENABLED'}{'on'} = '';
$checked{'ENABLED'}{$cgiparams{'ENABLED'}} = "checked='checked'";

# Display User Interface
&Header::openpage($Lang::tr{'Banish configuration'}, 1, '');

&Header::openbigbox('100%', 'left', '', $errormessage);

if ($errormessage) {
	&Header::openbox('100%', 'left', $Lang::tr{'error messages'});
	print "<class name='base'>$errormessage\n";
	print "&nbsp;</class>\n";
# Credits Comments
print "\n\n\t<!-- Banish Firewall Addon for IPCop -->\n";
print 	  "\t<!--    Developed by Sid McLaurin    -->\n";
print	  "\t<!--        SID Solutions            -->\n";
print	  "\t<!--     -->\n\n";

# Banish Logo site Link & version number
print "\t<!-- Banish Logo site Link				-->\n";
print "\t<center><a href='$Lang::tr{'Banish Url'}' title='$Lang::tr{'Banish Url Alt'}' target='_blank' alt='$Lang::tr{'Banish Url Alt'}'><img src='/images/Banish/$Lang::tr{'Banish Logo'}' alt='$Lang::tr{'Banish title'}' border='0'></a></center><br>\n";
print "\t<center><font color='#ce0632'><b>$version</b></font></center><br>\n";

print "<br>\n";

# Banish Settings Interface
&Header::openbox('100%', 'left', $Lang::tr{'Banish Viewing Options'});
print "<form name='settings' method='post' action='$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}'>";
print <<END
	<!-- Banish Settings Interface -->
	<table width='100%'>
			<td class='base'>$Lang::tr{'Banish Display Setting'}:&nbsp;
			<select name='DISPLAY_AMOUNT'>
foreach my $vs (@VS) {
    print "\t<option value='$vs' $selected{'DISPLAY_AMOUNT'}{$vs}>$vs</option>\n";
print <<END
			<td width='30%' align='center' class='base'><input type='submit' name='ACTION' value='$Lang::tr{'save'}' /></td>

# Banish User Input Interface 
print "\t<form method='post' action='$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}'>\n\n";

my $buttontext = $Lang::tr{'add'};
if ($cgiparams{'ACTION'} eq $Lang::tr{'edit'}) {
	&Header::openbox('100%', 'left', $Lang::tr{'edit a rule'});
	$buttontext = $Lang::tr{'update'};
} else {
	&Header::openbox('100%', 'left', $Lang::tr{'add a new rule'});

print <<END
	<!-- Banish User Input Interface -->
	<table width='100%'>
			<td class='base'><font color='${Header::colourred}'>$Lang::tr{'Banish banishIP'}</font></td>
			<td><input type='text' name='SRC' value='$cgiparams{'SRC'}' size='32' /></td>
			<td width='10%' class='base'>$Lang::tr{'enabled'}<input type='checkbox' name='ENABLED' $checked{'ENABLED'}{'on'} /></td>
			<td width ='10%' class='base'>
				<font class='boldbase'>$Lang::tr{'remark'}:</font>&nbsp;<img src='/blob.gif' alt='*' /></td>
			<td><input type='text' name='REMARK' value='$cgiparams{'REMARK'}' size='32' /></td>
			<td><input type='hidden' name='ACTION' value='$Lang::tr{'add'}' />
				<input type='submit' name='SUBMIT' value='$buttontext' /></td>
	<input type='hidden' name='START' value='$cgiparams{'START'}' />
	<input type='hidden' name='FILTER' value='$cgiparams{'FILTER'}' />

if ($cgiparams{'ACTION'} eq $Lang::tr{'edit'}) {
	print "<input type='hidden' name='EDITING' value='$cgiparams{'ID'}' />\n";
} else {
	print "<input type='hidden' name='EDITING' value='no' />\n";

print "</form>\n";

# Search Filter Input
if ($cgiparams{'FILTER'} eq '.*')
	$cgiparams{'FILTER'} ='';
print <<END	
	<!-- Banish Display Filter -->
	<form name='settings' method='post' action='$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}'>
			<td><b>$Lang::tr{'Banish Filter by'}:<b>&nbsp<img src='/blob.gif' alt='*' align='top'/>&nbsp<input type="text" name="FILTER" title='$Lang::tr{'Banish Filter Title'}' onKeyPress="checkEnter(event)" size='32' value='$cgiparams{'FILTER'}'>
			<input type='submit' name='ACTION' value='$Lang::tr{'apply'}'>
	<input type='hidden' name='START' value='$cgiparams{'START'}' />
	<input type='hidden' name='SIZE' value='$cgiparams{'SIZE'}' />


# Banish Current Entries
&Header::openbox('100%', 'left', $Lang::tr{'current rules'});

# Display Banish entries per page
$start = $cgiparams{'START'};
if ($settings{'DISPLAY_AMOUNT'} ne '')
	$viewsize = $settings{'DISPLAY_AMOUNT'};
} else {
	$viewsize = 50;
$cgiparams{'START'} = $size - $viewsize if ($cgiparams{'START'} >= $size - $viewsize);
$cgiparams{'START'} = 0 if ($cgiparams{'START'} < 0);
my $prev;

if ($cgiparams{'START'} == 0) {
		$prev = -1;
	} else {
		$prev = $cgiparams{'START'} - $viewsize;
		$prev = 0 if ( $prev < 0);
my $next;

if ($cgiparams{'START'} == $size - $viewsize) {
        $next = -1;
    } else {
        $next = $cgiparams{'START'} + $viewsize;
        $next = $size - $viewsize if ($next >= $size - $viewsize);

# Next and Previous Page Icons
print <<END
<!-- Banish Next & Previous Page Links -->
<table width='100%'>

print "<td align='center' width='50%'>";
if ($prev != -1) {
	print "<form method='post' name='the_form1' action='$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}'><input type='hidden' name='START' value='$prev' />
<input type='hidden' name='ACTION' value='DISPLAY' /><input type='hidden' name='FILTER' value='$cgiparams{'FILTER'}' /><input type='image' name='' src='/images/Banish/back.gif' title='$Lang::tr{'Banish Previous Page'}' alt='$Lang::tr{'Banish Previous Page'}' /></form>"; }
else {
	print ""; }
print "</td>\n";

print "<td align='center' width='50%'>";
if ($next >= 0) {
	print "<form method='post' name='the_form2' action='$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}'><input type='hidden' name='START' value='$next' />
<input type='hidden' name='ACTION' value='DISPLAY' /><input type='hidden' name='FILTER' value='$cgiparams{'FILTER'}' /><input type='image' name='' src='/images/Banish/forward.gif' title='$Lang::tr{'Banish Next Page'}' alt='$Lang::tr{'Banish Next Page'}' /></form>"; }
else {
	print ""; }
print "</td>\n";

print <<END

# Banish Sort Forms
print <<END
	<!-- Banish Sort Forms -->
	<table width='100%'>
			<td width='20%' class='boldbase' align='left'>
				<form method='post' action='$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}'>
					<b>$Lang::tr{'Banish banishIP'}</b>
					<input type='image' name='SORT' src='/images/Banish/sort.gif' title='$Lang::tr{'Banish sort by ip/network'}' alt='$Lang::tr{'Banish sort by ip/network'}'>
					<input type='hidden' name='ACTION' value='$Lang::tr{'Banish sort by ip/network'}' />
					<input type='hidden' name='START' value='$cgiparams{'START'}' />
					<input type='hidden' name='FILTER' value='$cgiparams{'FILTER'}' />
			<td width='5%' align='center' class='boldbase'><b>$Lang::tr{'Banish flag'}</b></td>
			<td width='30%' class='boldbase' align='left'>
				<form method='post' action='$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}'>
					<input type='image' name='SORT' src='/images/Banish/sort.gif' title='$Lang::tr{'Banish sort by remark'}' alt='$Lang::tr{'Banish sort by remark'}'>
					<input type='hidden' name='ACTION' value='$Lang::tr{'Banish sort by remark'}' />
					<input type='hidden' name='START' value='$cgiparams{'START'}' />
					<input type='hidden' name='FILTER' value='$cgiparams{'FILTER'}' />
			<td width='5%' class='boldbase' colspan='3' align='center'>
				<form method='post' action='$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}'>
					<input type='image' name='SORT' src='/images/Banish/sort.gif' title='$Lang::tr{'Banish sort by enabled'}' alt='$Lang::tr{'Banish sort by enabled'}'>
					<input type='hidden' name='ACTION' value='$Lang::tr{'Banish sort by enabled'}' />
					<input type='hidden' name='START' value='$cgiparams{'START'}' />
					<input type='hidden' name='FILTER' value='$cgiparams{'FILTER'}' />
	<!-- Banish Rules -->

# If something has happened re-read config and reset amount of entries
if($cgiparams{'ACTION'} ne '' or $changed ne 'no')
	open(FILE, $filename) or die 'Unable to open config file.';
		@current = <FILE>;
	if ($cgiparams{'FILTER'} ne '')
		$size = grep $cgiparams{'FILTER'}, @current;
	} else {
		$size = @current;

# Display Banish Rules
my $id = 0;
my $lines = 0;

foreach my $line (@current)
	# Apply filter if present
	if ($cgiparams{'FILTER'} eq '')
		$cgiparams{'FILTER'} = '.*';
	if($line =~ (/$cgiparams{'FILTER'}/i))
		my @temp = split(/\,/,$line);
		my $gif = '';
		my $gdesc = '';
		my $toggle = '';
		# Display amount entries per setting
		if ($lines <= ($start + $viewsize)&& $lines > $start)
			if($cgiparams{'ACTION'} eq $Lang::tr{'edit'} && $cgiparams{'ID'} eq $id) {
				print "\t\t<tr bgcolor='${Header::colouryellow}'>\n"; }
			elsif ($count % 2) {
				print "\t\t<tr bgcolor='${Header::table1colour}'>\n"; }
			else {
				print "\t\t<tr bgcolor='${Header::table2colour}'>\n"; }
			if ($temp[1] eq 'on') { $gif='on.gif'; $toggle='off'; $gdesc=$Lang::tr{'click to disable'};}
			else { $gif='off.gif'; $toggle='on'; $gdesc=$Lang::tr{'click to enable'}; }
			$temp[2] = '' unless defined $temp[2];
			## GeopIP  Mod
    		my $addr = "$temp[0]";
    		#my $gi = Geo::IP::PurePerl->new();
#my $addr = CGI::param("ip") || "";

if(&General::validip($cgiparams{'IP'})ne '1') {

	# Enumerate location information for IP address...
	my $ccode = &Location::Functions::lookup_country_code($addr);
	my $cname = &Location::Functions::get_full_country_name($ccode);
	my @network_flags = &Location::Functions::address_has_flags($addr);

	my $flag_icon = &Location::Functions::get_flag_icon($ccode);
    		# CDIR to IP for Whois lookup
    		if ($addr =~ /\/\d+/)
    			$addr =~ s/\/\d+//;
        		$addr =~ "s/\d$/2 + $1/";
    		# IP Range to IP for Whois lookup
    		if ($addr =~ /\-(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/)
    			$addr =~ s/\-(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)//;
        		$addr =~ "s/\d$/2 + $1/";
    		# Resolve domain to IP for Whois lookup
    		elsif(&General::validipormask($addr)ne '1')
    			my @hostlookup = qx(/usr/bin/host $addr);
        		my $displayAddress = '';
        		foreach my $line (@hostlookup)
            		if ($line =~ /has address/)
            			(my $before, $displayAddress) = split(/has address/, $line);
        		$displayAddress =~ s/\s//;
        		$addr = $displayAddress;

			# Get flag code
    		#my $ccode = $gi->country_code_by_name($addr);
# Change to uppercase for ipfire (lc to uc) rwb 10/12/18
    		#my $fcode = uc($ccode);
	#<td align='center'><a href='country.cgi#$ccode'><img src="$flag_icon" border='0' align='absmiddle' alt='$ccode'></a></td> 
			if ( ! -z "$filename") {
	print <<END
			<td align='left'><a href='/cgi-bin/ipinfo.cgi?ip=$addr'>$temp[0]</a></td>
			<td align='center'><a href='country.cgi#$ccode'><img src="$flag_icon" border='0' align='absmiddle' alt='$ccode'></a></td>
			<td align='left'>&nbsp;$temp[2]</td>
			<td align='center'>
				<form method='post' name='frma$id' action='$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}'>
					<input type='image' name='$Lang::tr{'toggle enable disable'}' src='/images/$gif' title='$gdesc' alt='$gdesc' />
					<input type='hidden' name='ID' value='$id' />
					<input type='hidden' name='ENABLE' value='$toggle' />
					<input type='hidden' name='ACTION' value='$Lang::tr{'toggle enable disable'}' />
					<input type='hidden' name='START' value='$cgiparams{'START'}' />
                    <input type='hidden' name='FILTER' value='$cgiparams{'FILTER'}' />
			<td align='center'>
				<form method='post' name='frmb$id' action='$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}'>
					<input type='image' name='$Lang::tr{'edit'}' src='/images/edit.gif' title='$Lang::tr{'edit'}' alt='$Lang::tr{'edit'}' />
					<input type='hidden' name='ID' value='$id' />
					<input type='hidden' name='ACTION' value='$Lang::tr{'edit'}' />
					<input type='hidden' name='START' value='$cgiparams{'START'}' />
                    <input type='hidden' name='FILTER' value='$cgiparams{'FILTER'}' />
			<td align='center'>
				<form method='post' name='frmc$id' action='$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}'>
					<input type='image' name='$Lang::tr{'remove'}' src='/images/delete.gif' title='$Lang::tr{'remove'}' alt='$Lang::tr{'remove'}' />
					<input type='hidden' name='ID' value='$id' />
					<input type='hidden' name='ACTION' value='$Lang::tr{'remove'}' />
					<input type='hidden' name='START' value='$cgiparams{'START'}' />
                    <input type='hidden' name='FILTER' value='$cgiparams{'FILTER'}' />
print "\t</table>\n";

# Next and Previous Page Icons
print <<END
<!-- Banish Next & Previous Page Links -->
<table width='100%'>

print "<td align='center' width='50%'>";
if ($prev != -1) {
	print "<form method='post' name='the_form1' action='$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}'><input type='hidden' name='START' value='$prev' />
<input type='hidden' name='ACTION' value='DISPLAY' /><input type='hidden' name='FILTER' value='$cgiparams{'FILTER'}' /><input type='image' name='' src='/images/Banish/back.gif' title='$Lang::tr{'Banish Previous Page'}' alt='$Lang::tr{'Banish Previous Page'}' /></form>"; }
else {
	print ""; }
print "</td>\n";

print "<td align='center' width='50%'>";
if ($next >= 0) {
	print "<form method='post' name='the_form2' action='$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}'><input type='hidden' name='START' value='$next' />
<input type='hidden' name='ACTION' value='DISPLAY' /><input type='hidden' name='FILTER' value='$cgiparams{'FILTER'}' /><input type='image' name='' src='/images/Banish/forward.gif' title='$Lang::tr{'Banish Next Page'}' alt='$Lang::tr{'Banish Next Page'}' /></form>"; }
else {
	print ""; }
print "</td>\n";

print <<END

# If the banish file contains entries, print Key to action icons
if ( ! -z "$filename") {
print <<END

	<!-- Icon Legend -->
			<td>&nbsp; <img src='/blob.gif' alt='*' /></td>
			<td class='base'>$Lang::tr{'this field may be blank'}</td>
			<td>&nbsp; &nbsp; <img src='/images/Banish/back.gif' alt='$Lang::tr{'Banish Previous Page'}' /></td>
			<td class='base'>$Lang::tr{'Banish Previous Page'}</td>
			<td>&nbsp; &nbsp; <img src='/images/Banish/forward.gif' alt='$Lang::tr{'Banish Next Page'}' /></td>
			<td class='base'>$Lang::tr{'Banish Next Page'}</td>
			<td>&nbsp; <img src='/images/Banish/sort.gif' alt='$Lang::tr{'Banish click to sort'}' /></td>
			<td class='base'>$Lang::tr{'Banish click to sort'}</td>
			<td>&nbsp; &nbsp; <img src='/images/on.gif' alt='$Lang::tr{'click to disable'}' /></td>
			<td class='base'>$Lang::tr{'click to disable'}</td>
			<td>&nbsp; &nbsp; <img src='/images/off.gif' alt='$Lang::tr{'click to enable'}' /></td>
			<td class='base'>$Lang::tr{'click to enable'}</td>
			<td>&nbsp; &nbsp; <img src='/images/edit.gif' alt='$Lang::tr{'edit'}' /></td>
			<td class='base'>$Lang::tr{'edit'}</td>
			<td>&nbsp; &nbsp; <img src='/images/delete.gif' alt='$Lang::tr{'remove'}' /></td>
			<td class='base'>$Lang::tr{'remove'}</td>




What did you fix/change?

i edited my original post

For anyone else using Banish this is what is needed after the change Location country code lookups. I’ll put an updated version of Banish onto github later.

New Location based country code
Replaces earlier perl module

Needed to update BanishGeo.cgi

rwb --22/5/21

require ‘/var/ipfire/’;

require “${General::swroot}/”;

require “${General::swroot}/”;
require “${General::swroot}/”;

my (srcaddr); # need to define

Get the country code.

my $ccode = &Location::Functions::lookup_country_code($srcaddr)

  # Get flag icon for of the country.
    my $flag_icon = &Location::Functions::get_flag_icon($ccode);
    if ( $flag_icon) {
            print "<td align='center' $col><a href='../country.cgi#$ccode'><img src='$flag_icon' border='0' align='absmiddle' alt='$ccode'></a></td>";
    } else {
            print "<td align='center' $col></td>";