Attack or What?

Have replaced all DNS Severs with DOT approved. Unchecked for ISP DNS check. still unbound fails.

Yes. That’s a very good point Arne. Chicken and egg. You can’t do a TLS DNS lookup if your clock is out of sync. But likewise you cant sync time if you car reach NTP server by name.

DOH! :joy:

Time within is correct.

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pings once then not again. system not installing correct. after two attempts.

The file system corruption points to a hardware (ram/disc) or driver problem that lead in cold restart.


What is the command to clear the system corruption?

reboot with fsck. system clean. opened firewall which had blocked some countries. replaced all ipfire.pool time servers with pool.ntp global time servers. ran ntpdate and ntpdate and got the right time. ran less /var/log/messages and still the time is January 30th. perhaps completely erase the disk and reinstall new. volunteers to offer instructions? the last run of serial:
shows ipfire. that must be removed??
Jan 30 08:02:08 ipfire unbound: [4273:0] error: SERVFAIL <