@peppetech sorry for the late reply. I was configuring SSL certificates for nginx and accordigly to the ipfire help manual for the add-on. The help manual suggest to ask Let’s encrypt certificate on Example 3:
Example 3: Managing ssl-certificates for all your sites by acme.sh and Let’s Encrypt.
Your nginx is working as a reverse proxy for a couple of websites with different domains behind. User who surf to your sites by ssl see the nginx delivered ssl-certificate . In most cases this is self-signed and would be marked by browsers as unsecured. You need for every of your hosted domains a secure ssl-certificate and nginx should deliver it. The solution is a little script acme.sh and Let’s Encrypt as CertAuthority! www.ipfire.org - Nginx
at the time I couldn’t
curl https://get.acme.sh | sh
because doh was blocking. it, I didn’t try again once I ended up doing a selfsigned cert for personal use.
Yes I wonder why he did it… no post or explanation what so ever in his site…
I was using it and then I notice it stopped working. I checked his website it it’s just empty. The other ones are still there but written in json form that IPFire doesn’t support (unless I’m wrong).
If I remember correctly he was saying something about being swamped at work and the other maintainer was supposed to take on the maintenance but looks like they both just abandoned the project.
I only noticed today that my own customizations in the /var/ipfire/ipblocklist/sources file have disappeared.
I thought that this would not be touched during the update.
Are there plans to add the list via the web interface at some point?
Any time an update is made to the sources file then any customisations you have made will disappear and the sources file was modified for Core Update 186.
For information there is also planned for an update to the sources file for Core Update 187.