Yes it has to be manually edited but this could be done by an add-on. I think it would be a lot more work to make any additional blocklist configurable via the WUI. However I have now got a basis for adding blocklists so it may be possible.
That’s what I have been doing. I have added Banish and a Local Blocklist generated by my mail server but it’s not limited to those as it could be any external blocklist provide the ‘name’, ‘url’ , ‘info’ , ‘parser’, ‘rate’ and ‘category’ are available ie the same as the sources list.
I am having difficulty generating patches for the modifications to add a localsources file to the /var/ipfire/ipblocklist directory so as an interim I have added them here:
I have been tested these modifications on my development CU 190 system and my production CU 188 system which seem to be performing normally.
I couldn’t find a way of making “package IPblocklist” accept more than one sources file without duplicating a lot of the code with conditional switching between the 2 sources files which has resulted in a more complex changes than I was expecting.
If you can find time, please have a look at this and I would appreciate your comments. The localsources file needs to be manually edited as there isn’t a WUI for this at present.