Accesspoint an ipfire

Hello NG, can I configure a network interface as a blue network and simply plug an access point into it? Or does this only work with a WLAN card?

Both is possible.
A separate device on a blue0 NIC has the advantage, that there are no side effects with drivers for wireless cards ( CPU or memory usage, f.e. ).

that means plugging in the TP-Link and configuring it so that everyone can connect but I regulate this in the firewall? Or do I first enable the client for the Internet?

I have a TP-Link EAP670. It is just connected to GREEN. I do all of the regular/guest configuration on the Access Point. That way I don’t have to mess around with a BLUE network, etc.

Recipes are various, depending on the goals for your setup.
Blue zone can help you to create a different subnet with a selected Green access, more over than “internet access”.
Also… same goal can be achieved in various ways so… Better describe the goals, than maybe some “options” will rise from the experience.