2.27 CU 182 released

Update working OK for me so far.

ISO download links missing though.


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No. Old bugs still exist.

dhcpcd on red.

Then you should raise that as a bug.

Did you also detect that with the Testing stage of CU182. I don’t remember seeing issues about red dhcpcd not being stopped during the testing phase.

I have that since years.

Looking at your console screenshot it looks like you are using wireless on your red0 connection.

Your situation is probably a corner case where something doesn’t work right with wireless on red0.

There is no bug that I can find on that issue so if you would like to get it fixed it would be good to raise it as a bug.

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Yes I started to use LTE instead of cable internet about 2 years ago. So the device will connect to my mobile via WLAN.

This problem is most likely unimportant. It’s much more important to get ExtraHD fixed. Atm I can’t mount a drive for samba usage. That’s bad.