Wireguard - now that IPFire is on kernel 5.10


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Why not? :slight_smile:

I would be happy to do it, because I see that there are many use-cases for it. My original blog post was about that WireGuard is not a replacement for the existing solutions in the average company that has a couple of people working from home. But that is another story…

I struggle massively with time. The sad problem is that money buys time. And so donating would help us to get time set aside for either myself or somebody else. So far, we have had @ag say he would fork out some cash for this, I approached one customer who is sponsoring a small fraction of the work and that is about it…

This is all not rocket science and I have already started some work on this, but we are far from getting it shipped. So, please follow the link maybe?

www.ipfire.org - Donate

It would really help to just confirm if there is some genuine interest in the community. With what I have right now I would say people could not care less…


We native German linguists know the fine difference between begging vs kindly asking :slight_smile:

You are right, money buys time and I truly share the struggle that days just have 24hrs (actually even a bit less - leap…)
This month my donation has to go to Thomas Toka, a guy who revamped Marlin, made it dynamic and created a whole new level of firmware-based-eco-system. He saved me hours if not days with his bed leveling features and since Jimmi Wales funding round is over I can contribute around the 15th next month. No reminder needed.

In the meantime, I can buy time. I am good in documenting (those nitpicking bavarians :wink:), see the OpenVPN LDAP topic in the wiki. I join the beta channel and bring a documentation that lowers your support requests in the forum => time.
I could basically do this for a couple of entries, with special attention to a troubleshooting section. If you guys let me know what statistically creates the most requests, I can document a couple of those and lower support level from 1 or 2 to 0.