When setting a password for a WiFi connection (WPA2) that ends with “y{?/”, the entry in the “Wireless Client Configuration” area seems malformed.
Those four characters “y{?/” are present in the Priority column instead of a number, like with the other entries that are configured.
So far I’ve not been able to connect to the WiFi in question so I’m guessing that this particular WiFi password is breaking the configuration in IPFire.
You are absolutely correct, there is a comma preceding that sequence of characters.
Sadly it’s a password that I don’t have access to change so I guess we’re stuck for now.
Thank you for the insight!
The same thing was an issue with the PSK for the IPSec connection and it was raised as a bug and the password encoding was changed to base64 encoding.
Similar option should be able to be used here, although it would not be able to get implemented until Core Update 191 at the earliest. Raising it as a bug ensures it is recorded and will get addressed when resources are available.
See https://www.ipfire.org/docs/devel/bugzilla
for details of how to raise a bug.
Your IPFire People email and password will act as your IPFire Bugzilla login credentials.
That may also be valid for the WLAN addon although I don’t know if that page does or does not have base64 encoding applied to the password entry or not. If base64 encoding has been used then a comma can be used as it is encoded to a different character.
If base64 encoding has not been used then a comma would also give a problem with the WLAN addon.
This post was related to the Wireless Client option for the Red Connection, instead of using a ethernet cable connection.