I put this topic in here: removed the topic because of answer here Webproxy WPAD configuration file double definitions - #22 by bonnietwin
I was up to delete all those entries and try again and found this issue.
I put this topic in here: removed the topic because of answer here Webproxy WPAD configuration file double definitions - #22 by bonnietwin
I was up to delete all those entries and try again and found this issue.
off and blank are treated the same.
It did change a long time ago but the existing entries stayed as they were and only new ones had the blank instead of the off.
And nobody told us . Good to know. Thx.
I removed all entries with double MAC adresses and restartet ipfire and tried again with the wpad file but this that silly entries so no change.
can those entries be cached somewhere else? Somewhere that influences the code that creates the proxy.pac?
EDIT: what about the ARP/routing table?
That’s why I restarted the device/VM. However I’m still quite sure it’s related to any defined hosts. Those double device entries are also created for the fw hosts. Honestly looks like only the one who made the script to create that file will be able to give a propper answer why that happens.
If you file a bug, would you mind to put the link in this thread? I would like to know why this happens.