Port forwarding has not worked for two days ... has the firewall been changed?


your description sounds like you are bumping into this bug.

It is fixed in the upcoming Core Update 153, of which a testing version is already available.
Unless some serious bugs or regressions show up, I expect Core Update 153 to be released before Christmas.

Long story short: You could either install Core Update 153 testing (please see here how to do this)
or wait until Core Update 153 is released, which will most probably fix your problem.

I think i will wipe the whole Fire and reinstall it again…

If I understood your problem right, there is no need to do so.

This software is weird… :crazy_face:

Agreed, this bug is really nasty, especially to newcomers. I hope you will manage to get it working, anyway.
If not, there is a wiki and this forum available to answer questions. :slight_smile:

Thanks, and best regards,
Peter Müller