OpenVPN: Roadwarrior statistic

Hello, I get since the last update (today)
a parsing error at /cgi-bin/netovpnrw.cgi

but in the OpenVPN Roadwarrior connection log you can see some data

Hi Andreas,

i have the same problem.
The message is “URL parameter missing or malformed”:
I stopped collectd, delete everything under /var/log/rrd and restarted collectd but the same message appears again.


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Hi Andreas,

i tested a little bit.
In my case the collectd creates a dir for every OVPn user and named this dir with the name from the field “Remark” in the OVPN user configuration page. In my case this filed is filled up with the name of the user separed by spaces. So the fir name ist “/var/…/ovpn-firstname lastname”. I looks like the website has a problem with this space. If i rename the dir and replace the space everything is working.
The problem is, collectd does not fill the new created dir …


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created a entry at the IPFire Bugtracker


only FYI, the dev team is working on it:


The problem is fixed in Release 157.
Can see all the data since the last release (156) came up.


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