New Unknown Summary Log Entries

I’ve got new log entries in the log suddenly appearing from Oct 30. I swear that was before I began working on HAProxy :blush:

Unknown Entries:
    execute_statement argv[0] = /usr/sbin/unbound-dhcp-leases-client: 384 Time(s)
    execute_statement argv[1] = commit: 384 Time(s)
    execute_statement argv[2] = ADDRESS=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX: 49 Time(s)
    execute_statement argv[2] = ADDRESS=YYY.YYY.YYY.YYY: 49 Time(s)
    execute_statement argv[2] = ADDRESS=ZZZ.ZZZ.ZZZ.ZZZ: 9 Time(s)

These entries are generated by the new part of the unbound-dhcp-leases-bridge, the unbound-dhcp-leases-client.
The …-bridge registers (name, IP) tupels to unbound, the DNS server. The …-client is called from the DHCP server, when new leases are generated, and sends the information to the …-bridge.
This functionality is new to IPFire and I suppose these log entries will disappear in case of proof of functioning with one of the next CUs.

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Thanks for clarifying, I was guessing in this direction. But I think it’s a bit strange why this began to appear not directly after the core upgrade but two weeks later.