Install seems fine but no connection

Newbie (with LPI 101 and Ccna) here.
IPFire can not connect according to the main page BUT '‘network external’ shows green spikes on red0.
DNS fails.
LAN(green) 10.x.0.0. Proxy off
DMZ(orange). 192.168.y.1. Online(green)

Are you required to put incoming rules to match one for outgoing traffic?



Please have a look at

Every net needs a different ip-range.

If this doesn’t help, we need more details about your configuration.


Look here

and here

corresponding info you find here

Even though I manually added the same fixed dhcp address I defined for red0’s Ethernet, the main page says blank ip address.

We are unaable to assist until you define where red IP address is assigned - is it

  • by your ISP

  • or by your router

Either way, it may be fixed or DHCP, but not both plus if assigned by ISP, you might not have the choice.


Are you required to put incoming rules to match one for outgoing traffic?

no, this is handled by connection tracking modules within the Linux kernel.

Thanks, and best regards,
Peter Müller