Copy the rpz-beta-0.1.17-17.ipfire.tar file to the /opt/pakfire/tmp/ directory. Please speak up if you need assistance with this!
# 1 - go to this directory:
cd /opt/pakfire/tmp/
# 2 - list the file
ls -l /opt/pakfire/tmp
# 3 - uncompress the file:
tar xvf rpz-beta-0.1.17-17.ipfire.tar
# 4 - check to make sure there are files there:
ls -l /opt/pakfire/tmp
# 5 - copy this one file to a new location
cp -v ROOTFILES /opt/pakfire/db/rootfiles/rpz
# 6 - install RPZ
NAME=rpz ./
You do not need to use sudo or add a -X or rename anything. So if a step above does not work, please copy and paste the command and its results.
EDIT: FYI - when you enter ls -l /opt/pakfire/tmp you will see this:
[root@ipfire tmp] # ls -l /opt/pakfire/tmp
total 72
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 14496 Dec 9 21:32 files.tar.xz
-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 1873 Dec 9 21:32
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 555 Dec 9 21:32 ROOTFILES
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 40960 Dec 19 11:42 rpz-beta-0.1.17-17.ipfire.tar
-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 2024 Dec 9 21:32
-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 2268 Dec 9 21:32
[root@ipfire tmp] #
I know @jon has something in the works for something better than this down the road but for anyone that feels capable of editing the rpz.cgi you can add this.
I have been running pihole on a Raspberry Pi alongside ipFire for several years - this has now been replaced with your addon… less moving parts and no loss of function / defense.
Looking forward to seeing this addon included in the Pakfire stable.