How to disable ssh from RED


frankly, I find this attitude disappointing:

Without sufficient information, “assuming” a problem would be gone is not helping anybody. Neither is the lack of willingness to provide the missing information, but instead you go into threatening.

This is not how support works here, and I am no longer willing to spend my time on your issue.

EDIT / NOTICE TO OTHER READERS: Should this issue (or a similar looking one) affect you, please open a new thread, answering all of the following questions:

  • What does your IPFire setup look like (if possible, draw a simple diagram of it)?
  • How is IPFire’s RED interface connected to the internet?
  • Which IPFire version are you running on?
  • Are there any 3rd party scripts or modifications to IPFire in place? If so, which ones?
  • What (vulnerability) scanner did you use to spot the issue? What did it display precisely?
  • On IPFire, what is the output of iptables -L -n -v?
  • On IPFire, what is the output of ifconfig?
  • What does your firewall ruleset look like (screenshot of it)?
  • When did the problem occur? Is it reproducible? If so, which steps are needed to be taken?

In order to have a chance to help you, it is important for us to have all these information available. Simply opening a new thread saying “scanner X detected Y open ports on my IP address” will accomplish nothing.

Peter Müller