How efficient is Suricata for blocking IP's?

Sorry for the slow response.

I have checked the code and the .conf files are the places where the ipblocklists are stored in.

If you had a blocklist enabled but then disabled it then a .conf file will stay there with the status as when it was last updated.

If your ALIENVAULT.conf file is showing 2022-11-03 then either that is when it was last updated or when you first started using it, if the list is not being updated.
I am presuming that you still have the ALIENVAULT list enabled.

If so then the list is at least 16 months since it was last updated but could be even older if 2022-11-03 is when you first enabled that list.

I have compared your list dated 2022-11-03 to the current version that is downloaded and those initial lines you showed are identical.

I think this list should be removed from the IP Address Blocklists.