I have a problem where fcron jobs are not running at a specific time overnight. They simply don’t execute at that time.
If, using fcrontab -e, I copy the same fcrontab entry and change the time to a minute from now, the fcron job runs without problem (so there’s no problem with my syntax).
However at 01:30 at night, it simply does not run. Is there something unusual about that time, like other maintenance tasks running?!
I’d use the /etc/fcron.daily directory but the job needs to run at that specific time.
My job is using syntax
30 01 * * * /usr/local/bin/<custom script name>
and the script is executable. As I said above, this isn’t a problem as I can copy the entry and schedule it for a time a few minutes later and it runs without issue.
The fcron job was running, however as debug was off I didn’t know this.
My script produces output to the log (using logger) but only after a function attempted to run a command as another user (for security reasons).