Enhancement request: UI buttons to disconnect / reconnect red interface

Could you go to the page


and tell us what MTU value you see ?

« SpeedGuide.net TCP Analyzer Results » 
Tested on: 2022.09.11 16:28 
IP address: 67.166.x.xxx 
Client OS/browser: Windows 10 (Chrome 
TCP options string: 020405b40103030801010402 
MSS: 1460 
MTU: 1500 
TCP Window: 262656 (not multiple of MSS) 
RWIN Scaling: 8 bits (2^8=256) 
Unscaled RWIN : 1026 
Recommended RWINs: 64240, 128480, 256960, 513920, 1027840 
BDP limit (200ms): 1051 Mbps (105 Megabytes/s) 
BDP limit (500ms): 420 Mbps (42 Megabytes/s) 
MTU Discovery: ON 
TTL: 117 
Timestamps: OFF 
IP ToS: 00000000 (0) 

Is this result from
Internet - modem - IPFire - computer ?

Yes it is. Do you want me to go there from somewhere else?

I saw this IP above and in the ifconfig.log file:
inet 71.196.*.*

But the SpeedGuide results show:
IP address: 67.166.x.xxx

That just seemed odd to me…


I’ve been switching bridge mode on and off. The public IP provided changes each time.

In addition, the request for the SpeedGuide results came in when bridge mode was off. If you’d like it rerun with bridge mode on, I can do that.

I believe we have discovered the primary cause of the dropouts and that is IPFire logging. Until we get a handle on calming that down, I might as well run with bridge mode off and “quietly double NAT”.

While the current IPFire hardware has way more memory (8GB) and disk space (915GB) than is needed, there’s little need for capturing a massive amount of logs.

Yes, please

« SpeedGuide.net TCP Analyzer Results » 
Tested on: 2022.09.12 09:24 
IP address: 71.196.xxx.xxx 
Client OS/browser: Windows 10 (Chrome 
TCP options string: 020405b40103030801010402 
MSS: 1460 
MTU: 1500 
TCP Window: 262656 (not multiple of MSS) 
RWIN Scaling: 8 bits (2^8=256) 
Unscaled RWIN : 1026 
Recommended RWINs: 64240, 128480, 256960, 513920, 1027840 
BDP limit (200ms): 1051 Mbps (105 Megabytes/s) 
BDP limit (500ms): 420 Mbps (42 Megabytes/s) 
MTU Discovery: ON 
TTL: 117 
Timestamps: OFF 
IP ToS: 00000000 (0)