DDNS no-ip.com not updating the IP address

yes, but a question mark at the end by itself is different if it is used to call a stored function on their server.

btw, I don’t use no-ip. But testing the urls is still possible. Because finding out if the outside ip has changed is a simple public record lookup that can be done anywhere.

The url with the ? calls the public record lookup while without it does not.

The pythoncode build an url to set the IP. We don’t try to ask for it.

The “?” should not here…

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I give you information. its up to you if it makes sense to apply it. Quite frankly if you have to waste money on a service like that, I would get a different isp so I would get a real public ip and if it was just a dumb web server, its way cheaper to host online. I charge $60 /year for such trivial sites.

I have the free version of NoIP.