At the risk of overfilling your already mounded platter, yes, please pick it up.
I don’t view the issue with any sense of urgency; NUT has languished a long time between releases.
I don’t feel I have the requisite “chops” since my retirement from sftw devel.
Thank you for your robust support of IPFire - you are amazingly productive!
for what it is worth I am in the exact same boat. My software development has not been used in 25+ years (I went into management and had the required lobotomy! )
I’ve been trying to rewrite the Development Wiki to assist people like you and me!
I’ve only updated a few pages (I am s-l-o-w !!).
If you change your mind please speak up. There are lots of kind people that are willing to assist!
Re-write completed:
Still updating:
and many others . . .