Block of (freedns.afraid)

Yes. I agree with you. Carelessly touching iptables rules can severely compromise the security of the firewall. And I am not convinced that unblocking that IP as I did is perfect. Contrary to that,I suspect that to unblock that IP, you can only use iptables. Let’s wait for more detailed suggestions.

I just read Michael Tremer’s post.
And my thoughts go back to my initial thoughts:
<<I don’t think it’s good to unblock that IP. :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:>>

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I just installed CU 184.
I can confirm that “afraid” is still blocked by default.
I noticed a change regarding Chains.
HOSTILE_DROP is now divided into:

In fact, the rules I created previously no longer work. I had to modify them as follows:

iptables -I HOSTILE_DROP_OUT -p tcp -d --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
iptables -I HOSTILE_DROP_IN -p tcp -s --sport 443 -j ACCEPT

Of course, mine are only tests.
I believe it is good to keep the IP blocked until more is known :wink:.

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